Learning Never Ends

Education is the foundation upon which our work is built. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted education systems around the world and is driving a long-overdue revolution in education. With the closure of schools, it was imperative that we provide solutions to ensure that learning continues for the many learners in the country.

Through the online learning platform, Ruzivo Smart Learning, we are doing just that!

With over one million registered users, the Ruzivo e-learning platform offers educational content for primary and secondary schools students in Zimbabwe. It enables remote learning through smart devices such as phones, laptops and tablets, and connects educators to their learners as they learn from home.

Cognisant of the solution Ruzivo offers, Delta launched the #LearningNeverEnds campaign to bring awareness, motivation and incentives for learning to continue at home. #LearningNeverEnds saw new registrations of over 20,000 learners across the country, with the exam classes (Form 4 and Grade 7) being in the top 5 grades accessing the platform. Learners accessed over 17,028 topics and attempted over 210,304 tests and exercises from March (the onset of lockdown) to May.

With the addition of virtual classrooms on the platform in June, Ruzivo is enabling more educators and schools to stay connected with their learners and ensure learning continues amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

Learn more about the platform here