Monthly Archives: March 2023

From Nairobi, with love 

STAR Leadership Academy recently received its first Kenyan student. She speaks about her expectations and what enrolment means for her.  On 12 September 2022, Laura Grace Achieng Baraza received an Instagram link from a friend.  The link was for a STAR Leadership Academy (SLA) post calling for applications from high school students interested in joining ...
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Why there are more women than men in RRA? 

Figures reveal that 65% of farmers receiving support under Higherlife Foundation’s Climate Smart Agriculture Program are women.  This translates to 7,150 women out of the 11,000 farmers receiving inputs and technical support.  The numbers are not a coincidence. They are a result of deliberate program design and decision-making.  Reimagine Rural Africa General Manager, Barbara Chivandire, ...
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Stop asking us what we want to be when we grow up! Instead, ask us about the impact we want to have on our communities.  

STAR Leadership Academy alumni Tanatswa Mhiribidi argues the seemingly harmless question could see young people defer acting as change-makers in their communities. “What do you want to do when you grow up?”   At face value, the question sounds harmless but may not be the motivator people think it is.  How it is framed may lead ...
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Seek, reach, receive – what we need to reduce maternal mortality

Dr Kennedy Mubaiwa Higherlife Foundation Chief Executive Officer makes a case for more training programs for healthcare workers. He posits that skills improvement may help reduce maternal mortality rates in Africa.  Recently, the World Health Organisation released a report on the trends in maternal mortality from 2000-2020. The numbers were a cold reminder of how ...
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