Our Work

Joining hands to save the future

Recently on International Kangaroo Care Awareness Day, we were privileged to be part of the Parirenyatwa Group of Hospital’s Immediate Kangaroo Mother Care Unit launch event. The unit, housed within the Mbuya Nehanda Maternity, was specially designed to allow mothers with pre-term babies to assist their children with much-needed bodily warmth, acting as a natural ...
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Empowering Girls: Breaking Barriers, Cultivating Leaders, and Shaping Tomorrow’s World

The global community continues to fall short in empowering and uplifting girls worldwide. Research shows that at the current pace, efforts to eradicate child marriages may take an estimated 300 years before bringing the intended result. However, this period can be shortened significantly if there is decisive action between now and 2030. If we do ...
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The end is in sight for NTDs

Neglected Tropical Diseases might be forgotten, but we must not underestimate their impact. That low-income countries like Zimbabwe lose an average of US$ 37,489 with every NTD-related death. The costing focuses on productive time lost, money spent in treating the NTDs and the cost of unpaid care work which caregivers undertake during the times of ...
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Higherlife Foundation’s divine appointment

“Some of the children we get here will be coming from the street,” Faith Karumbidza says. Even before learning Faith is a former solider, you have a strong sense that she is firm, disciplined and the type of person needed to set teenage boys on the path of redemption.  Karumbidza oversees the Northcot Training Centre ...
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Feeding bodies and minds

It is lunchtime at Simba Education, a preparatory school in Domboshava, a sprouting peri-urban rural settlement about 35 kilometres north of Zimbabwe’s capital, Harare. Children are standing in a queue near the school’s kitchen, waiting their turn to be served. They are jovial and bubbly, hundreds of conversations and songs are happening at the same ...
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