The Story of a girl who will never be the same again

This brief testimony came through our mail box one day unexpectedly and it touched us some much that we felt we just had to share. A lot of such stories exist but this one is one of our best. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

My name is Alice Juliet Danga, born on the 1st May 1993. Since the day I entered this world I always had a desire to be unique and to make an impact in this world. I worked hard in my studies, took time to invest in my personality and constantly sought the Lord’s hand in all my endeavours.

Being the 3rd born in a family of six, with one bread winner who is definitely not the richest man in the world, but still my hero. It also meant that I did not get everything on a silver platter. This aspect even deepened my passion to do better, to make my family proud, to give back to the community I came from and above all, to honour my creator by utilising the talents He blessed me with.

On this journey to excel, something amazing happened. In 2009 I was at Chinhoyi High School and by God’s grace and good effort, I scored 15 points at A-Level. I was awarded the JN Scholarship for being one of the top three female students in Mashonaland West Province in that year. I became a JOSHUALITE!!! (beneficiary of the Joshua Nkomo Scholarship). Since then, my life changed completely.

I got to benefit financially, spiritually, socially and character-wise. The values we were taught through the amazing workshops became a part of me and still are. I am forever grateful!!! The world needs more people like the JN Scholarships team, special mention goes to Baba and Mai Masiyiwa for the vision they saw from afar. It’s inspiring to the extent that I personally feel that I should enrich other people’s lives as much as mine was enriched.

I’ve never met them personally, but their impact reached my heart. That’s what we call Significance, and not just success. I thank God for the implementers or executors of the Vision, the Higherlife Foundation and Joshua Nkomo Scholarships management team who ensured that the vision became a reality, now I am one proud graduate and beneficiary of their efforts. I became an Articled Chartered Accountant Clerk with KPMG and now graduating at UNISA with a Distinction in B.Compt. Accounting Science Degree.


My story in not yet over, I am still pursuing higher goals in life, but so far I’m happy with the milestones I’ve reached. My ultimate vision is to be significant and not just being successful. I want to make an impact in the global village. I desire to add value, to live to my full potential, to run the race with perseverance, fixing my eyes to the Author and the Perfector of my Faith.

Word of Encouragement

In conclusion, I would like to urge each one of you to do your best, in any way you can, to whoever is in your circle, live for a purpose greater than for your own satisfaction. Life is too short for one not make an impact every day. Make a choice to dream big, achieve greatness and above all, to please the one who sent us on this earth. It doesn’t matter where you start, what matters is how you finish. It will not be easy, but it will be definitely worth it.

Once again, thanks Joshua Nkomo Scholarship team, you guys are amazing. Thanks to my family, friends and mentors for the astounding support. Just as Sir Newton once said and I quote, “If I have been able to see beyond others, it is because I’ve stood on the shoulder of giants.” You are all my giants.

Stay blessed!!

Alice J Danga (Joshualite forever!)