In your own lane, at your own pace with Ruzivo Smart Learning

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  • In your own lane, at your own pace with Ruzivo Smart Learning

Every student is working towards their dreams. Every student is unique and is running in their own lane at their own pace. As a student you need to realise that staying in your lane and working at your own pace is key in achieving academic success. However most students fail to do this because they fall victim to comparison and peer pressure to get out of their own lane. The game of “what if I was like Chipo in Maths” or “how can I catch up with my studies when sport takes so much of my time” or “how can I run my own race when I also want to have a social life” plagues so many students. Well – what if we told you that we have the tool to make you stay in your lane, at a pace you can handle and also have a social life with Ruzivo Smart Learning.

Ruzivo is a tried and tested tool with over a million primary and secondary students across Zimbabwe registered on it. So you can say goodbye to that subject that you were struggling with because all of the subjects covered on the platform have notes and in depth explanations to help you every step of the way to grasping concepts in your studies. You too can now be like that A student in your class and exceed your own potential.

Ruzivo can be accessed anytime and anywhere on any smart device such as a tablet and phone so it is available whenever you want to use it. This means you can work at your own pace through the exercises on the platform and step up in your academics the smart way. It is also free when you use an Econet line adding even more convenience for you.

If you feel like you are falling behind in your studies because of sports or cultural extracurricular activities, do not fret. Ruzivo is a smart way for you to catch up. You can revise anytime and through the exercises and explanations you can even go a step further and go topics ahead.

They say ‘Knowledge is power. Information is power’ and with Ruzivo Smart Learning you have access to a whole new world of information on your syllabus. The platform has everything you need to become a better student and have a balanced life.
So here you have it. Start stepping up in your lane. Say goodbye to competing with other student’s lanes and focus on your own pace and make the most of it through smart learning with Ruzivo.

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